Red Teaming, also known as Red Team Operations, is a form of offensive security testing, the main purpose of which is to simulate the full-scale modus operandi of cybercriminals, i.e. in the full kill chain. A dedicated Cyber Arms team conducts controlled and authorized activities aimed at using the techniques and tactics of real criminal groups. Their intention is to break into the organization's network and then achieve further goals such as unauthorized access to critical resources, theft, destruction or manipulation of data, etc.
Red Team operations are exercises carried out by a team of Cyber Arms operators in black box mode, i.e. without the knowledge of the "defending" side. These activities allow you to test previously prepared scenarios against the client's infrastructure and security monitoring systems and show what methods could be used by real criminals.
Red Teaming is preceded by defining, together with the client, the scope of exercises and targets of the attack based on the scenarios that best match the company's level of maturity and market trends. The result of the task is supported by a number of evidence and recommendations for the client.
The Red Team Cyber Arms teams include people with extensive experience in conducting such operations in Poland and around the world, including in dangerous foreign locations. Members are the global elite of Red Team, which they prove by successively taking part in global CTF competitions for Red Team, winning places in the top 10.