Identifying weak points in the security system

Security audit is an analysis and verification of the configuration of IT infrastructure components covering key systems or the entire client's environment, carried out in accordance with the best practices in the industry, together with an assessment of the environment's architecture. The result of the work is a report confirming the correct configuration of components or recommendations for possible changes aimed at eliminating or minimizing threats to their safety.

During the audit, Cyber Arms IT security specialists analyze and evaluate IT systems and networks in terms of their completeness, availability, confidentiality and integrity. They also analyze processes related to security management and compliance with the policy in this area.

Elimination of threats in IT systems

IT security audits are an important element of security management in the client's organization and help identify and eliminate potential threats to the security of IT systems.

Audits may cover various areas, such as: assessment of compliance with legal requirements, assessment of system and network security against cyber attacks, identification of potential vulnerabilities in security and system resources, or analysis of security related to antivirus software and threat detection software.

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